The exact order is actually market research then participation in trade fairs:
the success of a trade fair depends on an accurate analysis of competitors, without wasting time and money.

fairs analisys
Depending on the particular market research conducted, which is always both written and with photos, the price charged varies: ranging from sending our personnel to the country chosen in order to make an analysis of the existing field; to checking the retail prices – for example in supermarkets and shops; to directly requesting offers and price lists from competitors.
There are clear advantages to planning an event as important as a trade fair with this information to hand: the knowledge that the artificial grass produced in, or imported from, China at 6 USD / sq.m, is sold in France for the equivalent of 18 USD, and in Brazil for 90 USD, can give an idea of the importance of thorough market research.
Having established if and how to exhibit, Fittings Brokers is able to provide support to putting it all together.